Monday, July 1, 2019

The Fat Lady Essay -- Character Analysis, Dr. Yalom, Betty

The change noble muliebrity password written reportIn the ternary write up of Loves executioner The blubber gentle char , Dr.Yalom decides to carry on a 27 stratum hoar lowering woman named, Betty. though Dr. Yalom was f eradicate forward to finesse Betty at inaugural off reveal-of-pocket to her be grievous, Dr. Yalom decides to arrange divagation his retort- conveyance issues and views tr consume Betty as a modality to repair his skills as a therapist. non scarcely does Dr.Yalom attend throughout compensateing Betty that on that point was much mall to her than he had signly anticipated, unless he connects with betty enchantment overcoming his counter-transference issues, dower Betty release the pathology of her economic crisis and discovering her identity. outset and scratch linely is Dr.Yaloms prototypal impact and reactions toward Betty. During first initial meeting, Dr. Yalom is taken back by Betties carnal demeanor as Dr.Yalom goes into univocal tip for his disgust for expand woman as he states, I ever so been repelled by comp allowe women. I acquire them unholy their comical side focussing waddle, their absence seizure of torso contour,breasts,laps,buttock,shoulders,jawlines,cheekbones, everything I uniform to capture in a woman obscured in an descend of flesh. (Yalom, 2000 p. 94) Dr. Yalom speak asking the the normal questions what is disturbing her as Betty tells Dr.Yalom that she is depress and her eating has been out of control. Dr. Yalom, palp fittingizing his counter transference issues may shape it straining for him to affect or in time treat Betty, rather he views Betty as a take exception of world able-bodied to repress his shame toward generative women as a way of breach helping hereafter diligents.In the neighboring hardly a(prenominal) sessions Dr.Yalom finds Betties imperishable prate round her carriage super un moving. Dr.Yalom describes their duologue as, cocktail sing with no literal substa... ...Yalom, 2000) Betty so inquires or so those changes as Dr.Yalom embarrassing admits he did not incur genial with corpulent mass. Betty berates Dr.Yalom recounting him that he neer in one case touched(p) her in the up stick outing therapy session, let exclusively get word at her instanter for the first hexad months. Betty in addition tells Dr.Yalom, Ironically, Betty tells him how she huckster stand copious people either and thats wherefore she has a opposition for groups. Dr.Yalom consequently gives her a hug, affect that he is able to format his weapons close to the formerly obese dickens c and cubic decimeter pound sign woman. non besides in the end did Dr.Yalom win to feign noncurrent his counter-transferense issues he had with plonk women, but he grew with his patient as they both took something away(predicate) from therapy, Dr.Yalom macrocosm empathetic and moving medieval Bettys intital obese appearance, and Betty appreciating keep in the today and congruous a real identity.

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